Monday, September 3, 2012

Mass vs. Force

  • During our first lab experiment, we studied the relationship between the mass of an object and the force needed to hold it in place. To determine this relationship, we hung brass masses of 200 grams, 500 grams, and 1000 grams from a force probe. First, we converted the mass to kilograms and found the force, in Newtons, needed to support these at rest. Later, we repeated this process using an electronic force probe. We graphed our data with the standard equation, y=mx+b Here is an image of our graph from this experiment: 

  • From our graph, we determined the best-fit line and found the slope of the line to be approximately 10. We plugged this into the formula and got y+10x. With a y-intercept of 0, we replaced y and x with force and mass, from the lab. We discovered that 10 N/kg is the gravitational constant, or g, and then concluded that Force= Mass x Gravity or F=mg. Here is an image from the board in class:

1 comment:

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